
Magistrates Court 牛津郡法院

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精选Magistrates Court 牛津郡法院 精选GRE考试阅读理解练习题及答案 精选GRE考试阅读理解练习题及答案 精选美国2012年气候反常 精选美国2012年气候反常
the developer has been working with the magistrates to find an acceptable relocation for the courts for some time.

  in august 2003 planning permission was granted for the magistrates court to be incorporated into the grand arcade scheme. this has enabled cambridge city council and the developer to secure a permanent home for the magistrates court in the city centre.

  the magistrates court will function as an entirely independent unit from the rest of the scheme with a public entrance from st andrews st.

  the magistrates court have relocated to a temporary court at trumpington for the three years during which the grand arcade will be built. once the scheme is completed at the beginning of 2008 they will move into their permanent location in the grand arcade.




